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“Memento Vivere”/Heart Illustration

This is a cut-tissue paper illustration I made after having a massive heart attack at the age of 44. My amazing friends organized an art benefit show to raise money to help me pay off the medical bills that resulted, and this piece was my offering to the mostly heart-related artwork that was auctioned off that night. It was overwhelming how many selfless people helped me by donating their own artwork, their time, other talents and the gallery space in which to hold the show. I can never say thank you enough to all of those who were part of this event!


Above is the original sketch I made for this design, the final design was pretty close to this with more detail added.
Above is an image of in-progress cutting.
Above is the first cut.
Almost done! Making the final cuts to release the individual sheets from the drawing.
Above is a detail shot as the cutting is under way.
 Above is a finished piece in brown, there were 13 versions all together, all in different colors.
The artist working away, having fun with the confetti created in the process.