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Sculptural work

Above is a cake topper I made for a friend of a friend. After sculpting the original out of Sculpey to closely resemble the wedding couple, I made a silicone mold of the original, then cast final piece in plastic and painted/airbrushed the final details. I made a tiny pair of glasses for the groom as well. The finished topper was about 5 1/2 inches tall. Final assembled, painted cake topper.
Close up of bride
Close up of groom
Above is the finished headstone in situ, Halloween 2012. It is made out of pink insulation foam and Foam-Cote. This was a fun personal project, and someday I will build a whole cemetery from scratch!

In 2004 I was asked by a friend of a friend if I could do some pinstriping on his lowrider bicycles for an upcoming show. I said I could, though I really didn’t know how. Learning to do it on the job is tricky, but I loved it and hated it at the same time. I completed 4 bikes for him including airbrush work, mural/illustrations and pin striping, the airbrushing was cover up of old artwork as well as new, additional artwork of my own. I sculpted parts here and there on some of them. Below are detail photos of the bloody skull in the clutches of the evil Predator on the Predator bike. A small detail, but fun to sculpt and paint nonetheless.

Claw holding bloody skull – Predator bike
Another view of claw holding bloody skull.Finished claw holding bloody skull mounted to the bike frame.
Finished claw holding bloody skull mounted to the bike frame.